Twice a year, we at B’nai Tikvah host a blood drive under the auspices of the South Brunswick Community Blood Bank and The Blood Center of NJ.

One pint of collected blood has the potential to save three lives, but it only has 42-days of shelf life, and then must be replaced. A five-day supply of blood is continually needed. Please become a multiple times a year donor, and encourage your older teenagers and young adults at home to join the fold. You must complete a consent form for 16-year-olds. Got Blood, Give Life!

We now offer the ALYX machine, which uses a smaller needle and allows you to donate two units of red cells in a single visit.


Donors must be in good general health, weigh at least 120-lbs, and be 17 (16 with parent/guardian consent form) through 75 years old. If you choose the ALYX machine, the requirements are slightly different:

  • Male donors must be at least 5’1″ tall and weigh at least 130-lbs.
  • Female donors must be at least 5’5″ tall and weigh at least 150-lbs.

Bring an ID with your signature. FDA Regulations call for a donor, or Social Security number on a donor’s application.

Remember, it’s advisable to have eaten before donating. The entire process takes less than an hour. Any questions? Contact Marty Engel 732-297-7316.

Remember, it’s advisable to have eaten before donating. The entire process takes less than an hour. And we’ll reward you with Entenmann’s donuts and coffee. Any questions? Contact Marty Engel 732-297-3198.

Upcoming Blood Drives

For Medical or Health Questions
