The goal of Junior Congregation is to afford our Religious School students a solid understanding of the Shabbat morning service to help them prepare for their upcoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah and their role in the Jewish community.

The Junior Congregation Family Service is a mini-service, held in the Beit Midrash. It highlights the prayers our students learn in Religious School and the ones they should know for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah.

Numerous honors, such as: opening the Ark, carrying the Torah, leading prayers, receiving aliyot, etc., are given to encourage active participation in the service.

Parents are encouraged to join their children in Junior Congregation or participate in services in the main sanctuary.

Junior Congregation is offered most Saturdays throughout the school year. The exceptions, being Thanksgiving weekend and the December winter break. Credit for attending Junior Congregation is also given for Shabbat service on such dates. You can see our attendance requirements here. Children who attend a certain amount of services can participate in our Incentive Program.

The service is held Saturday mornings from 10:30 am – 12:00 noon. We have our own special Kiddish following services. All are invited to sponsor this special Kiddish for only $18. The sponsor’s name and event will be mentioned in the CBT Newsletter and read from the pulpit in the main Sanctuary.

More than one family may sponsor, on a given date, to celebrate any mitzvot, such as: a child’s birthday, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, a grandparent’s anniversary, or any other special occasion. If you are interested please complete this form.

Upcoming Junior Congregation Dates