We have all visited friends and relatives who are in the hospital or convalescing at home, or provided support to them and to their families. Our Bikur Cholim Committee gives us the opportunity to provide similar comfort and support to the community of Congregation B’nai Tikvah.

Bikur cholim is a beautiful moral and spiritual obligation incumbent upon all Jews. The Bible tells us that human beings are created in the image of God and instructs us to aspire to be like God by emulating God’s ways. God visits Abraham while he was recuperating after being circumcised (Genesis 17:26-18:1). The Talmud (Rabbinic Commentary) teaches us that “As He visited the sick, so shall you visit the sick…“.

The loving services we provide are expressed in many ways:

  • Visit a patient in the hospital or nursing home
  • Visit and call the homebound or isolated
  • Calls to reassure those who are ill
  • Drive someone to a doctor’s appointment
  • Deliver a Shabbos meal
  • Provide support for the families of those who are ill
  • Bring food gift certificates
  • Lend a free laptop computer with a NetFlix account
  • Bring a Basket of Goodies
  • Smile
  • Listen

One of our goals is to individualize our service to the congregant or family. Each of us has unique talents and skills that can be valuable. Sometimes simply talking on the phone with the family member provides the support they need; and many times the patient or family could guide us as to how much support or involvement they want from Bikur Cholim. We depend on guidance from the Rabbi in each situation and all information we receive is kept strictly confidential.

We have created the Bikur Cholim Fund for donations to help us continue this work. Bikur cholim reflects the primary Biblical value, “And you shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18). By fulfilling this role, we deeply enrich both our lives and the lives of those we visit. We attain a spiritual dimension that goes well beyond a simple personal expression of caring, and links us with generations past, present and future. Indeed, we are linked not only to the entire Jewish people, but to all humanity, emulating the godly attributes of compassion and loving kindness.

We welcome you to join us in this sacred work or contact us if you are in need.

Due to HIPAA laws, we no longer have access to patient lists at the hospital. This makes our desire to be there for our CBT families more challenging. When there is a situation which warrants our attention, please notify the Rabbi or Cantor so we can help. Your care and concern by communicating when someone you know is ill or in need, would allow us to support any member and their family during a difficult time.

Contact the Bikur Cholim committee

[contact-form to=’iluvmornings@optonline.net’ subject=’Bikur Cholim’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]